Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Human Variation & Race Blog

1.       Cold is one of the following environmental stresses that have negatively impacts to the survival of humans by disturbing homeostasis.

2.       Identify 4 ways that humans adapt to cold

·         Short Term Adaptation: Drink and eat warm food to produce heat to your body.

·         Facultative Adaptation: Limiting activity to the warmest place.


·         Developmental Adaptations: Humans in colder climates tend to be shorter, larger, have shorter limbs.

·         Cultural adaptations: Put more insulating and warmer clothes or warm fires place.

3.       Benefits of studying human variation from this perspective across environmental clines is important because you can track the movement of traits, and environment to help surviving in harsh environment.

4.       How would you use race to understand the variation of the adaptation.

·         The race variation show the important of variation in adaptations, such as an example for cold, form experience comparing my cousin from Thailand who is Asian compare to my Caucasian friend. My cousin feels the cold easier than my friend. The way my cousin would adapt toward the cold weather would be wearing more layer of warmer clothes than my friends

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Language Blog

This experiment was start by taking a part in conversation for 15 minutes where I were not allow to talk I find this experiment where I was not allowed to speak to my partner having a conversation is pretty easy and hard during the 15 minutes. The easy part is that it was my little sister who I talk to, She understand some of the message I was trying to convey, but some part where I try to describe to her it’s like playing charade and it was difficult to talk to her about certain subjects that are hard to describe without words like her homework assignment. My sister didn’t alter her way of communication that much. I think it’s because she’s an art student who like visualizing. So it was simple for her to understand most of what I was trying to say when we did this experiment. If my partner who having a conversation with me, speak in different language as me. I think both people would be difficult at understanding each other. Since the person that try to act out what is it may be able to convey information to the person that speak but then you won’t know if he really understand what you are trying to say and the person that say stuff to you would say in a completely different language that you won’t understand. I find that it is also interesting that because my sister and I like to speak in a language what we like to call “Thailish” which is the language of Thai and English combine together some part in Thai some part in English it is pretty entertaining.

The second part of this experiment which was for me to talk without be able to use any hand or any signal. It was really hard to last to 15 minutes it took me about 3 tries to finally last 15 minutes without making any hand gesture or try to hint with my eyebrows and many more. My sister says that it’s really difficult watching me because it has no expression or feeling in the language which is kind of throwing her off in what I was trying to convey some time. I think this experiment say that sign and signal in our way of communication because from what I experience it is making it harder to show our emotion in our way of communicate people may understand you what you are trying to say. But they may not understand why or what you really want which those emotions make it effective way to communicate. Some people  do have trouble reading other people body language but I think my sister did not have much trouble reading my body language because I have spend a lot of time with her all my life. I think body language is important and beneficial because If you can read someone else body language it’s really helpful to understand their emotion weather if they are sad or happy it is really important way to learn how to interact with people.